Saturday, January 31, 2009

How Naughty Is Your Man?

For women, lingerie is like second skin. It is more than something you just throw on, it is the foundation of your outfit. You choose it with the utmost care and make sure it fits exactly how it should. Even the tiniest flaw is not acceptable, it should fit ‘just fine’ and it should look good. But what happens when your man gifts you some sexy little things?  

‘What will be her reaction? Will it fit fine? Is the size okay? Will she like the colour?’, you could expect these doubts to arise in a man’s mind, but not today. According to a survey conducted by Rouge, Indian men are very up to date. They are not at all shy or unwilling to go into a lingerie store anymore. They are as informed of their partner’s choice as the ladies themselves. In fact they are much more vocal about their preferences. Says Sarthak Ahuja, a college student, “I know what my girlfriend likes but when I am gifting her lingerie of my choice, then in my mind’s eye she looks like a Pussycat Doll.”  

If truth be told, boys are much more enthusiastic and interested in buying lingerie than the girls. Says stand-up comedian Vir Das, “I went to Victoria’s Secret to buy lingerie for my girlfriend and I had no clue about my girlfriend’s size so the salesgirl helped me choose the right size and my girlfriend was very pleased when I gave it to her but she wasn’t so pleased when I told her about my shopping experience because Victoria’s Secret hires extremely hot women to help you buy lingerie and I really wanted to chat them up. In the end I enjoyed the shopping procedure more than the gifting part! 

As far as lingerie is concerned, men are not being bashful anymore, in fact, they are very upfront, informed and not at all reluctant in picking up lingerie for their lady love. Says VJ Ranvijay, “Girls love being given lingerie. It really helps if you know the size, I asked my girlfriend’s sister the size before I went shopping for her. Moreover, once you’re in the store and you’ve decided to buy lingerie, you can’t hesitate.” Says actor Arjan Bajwa, “I bought my girlfriend some lingerie from Australia. Since it was a surprise, I had a little difficulty choosing the size but the sales girl helped me while I browsed through the collection. But it was all worthwhile seeing the expressions on my girlfriend’s face.” 

For some men, the presence of a female friend is necessary. Many feel mortified or self-conscious while some just like to lend a helping hand. Says model Sahil Shroff, “I went with my best friend who’s a girl because I felt embarrassed going in the store alone. Even though I knew what I wanted to buy for my girlfriend, I showed it to my friend and when the salesgirl asked her to try it on we burst out laughing and the entire store gave us really weird looks.” Says DJ Iggy, “I’ve been lingerie shopping with not only my girlfriend but other female friends too. I look through the collection and choose what I like and tell them about it. There’s nothing to feel shy about. It is as simple as shopping for a pair of jeans.” 

However there are many men who still feel shy and embarrassed even when they are with their partners, often preferring to stand outside the store. Says model Karan Ambardar, “I’ve been lingerie shopping just twice in my life, both times I was with my girlfriend and I was very hesitant to go in the store and the first time I went in, I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could and I ended up acting really funny.” Says actor Sameer Dattani, “I’ve never been lingerie shopping alone, I always go with my girlfriend. Initially she used to ask me to help her choose but due to my reluctance she had to drag me, but now I feel much more comfortable.”  

And then there are some who are willing to bear the embarrassment if it means something to their girlfriend. Says college student Varoon Nasa, “I felt awkward and uneasy when I went to buy lingerie for my girlfriend but since it was a special occasion, I went in and bought something I knew she’d love and she was elated, which made the experience quite worthwhile.” Adds Sameer Soni, “I don’t feel shy going in but the whole process of buying lingerie is a little intimidating and it makes me uncomfortable but if my girlfriend really wants me to do it, I would not mind.”  

Girl talk:  

The relationship between a woman and her lingerie goes beyond the average man’s understanding. According to model Shweta Bhardwaj, “A lot of men don’t understand why lingerie means so much to a woman unless they get a taste of it themselves.” Says Aparna Chatterjee, a college student, “I gave my boyfriend a pair of red boxers on our first Valentine’s after which he had the sense to get me a black, lace g-string which was extremely sexy and naughty.” 

For girls the idea of being gifted lingerie seems sexy, romantic, sensuous and erotic, all rolled into one. Says Rosa Catalano, “I’ve been gifted lingerie and it feels very nice when your partner cares for you and is aware of your choice.” Adds Poorvi Seth, a college student, “My boyfriend got me a lot of things from his trip to Germany, it included sexy nightwear, a garter, silk thongs and a set of six Santa Claus thongs which had white faux fur on the band and cheeky words printed on the front.” 

Most girls would jump at the chance of being gifted lingerie. Says Malvika Joshi, a college student, “I’ve never been gifted lingerie so I’d love some but my boyfriend freaks out every time I so much as suggest he buys it for me. He thinks the salesgirls will think he’s a pervert if he even enters the store.”  

But a girl’s worst night mare is being gifted lingerie that does not fit fine. Says model Candice Pinto, “I love it when my man surprises me with such gifts but I’d rather go along with him when he’s buying lingerie for me because very often men tend to get the wrong size.” Adds VJ Anusha, “I love all kinds of lingerie! So if my boyfriend gifted me some, I’d be thrilled but it has to be the right size.”  

A lot of girls prefer delicate, pretty and feminine lingerie while there are some who’d rather be given something overtly sexy, says model Tina Chatwal, “I love being comfortable so I would want my partner to give me something soft, silky and feminine. In fact I don’t mind being gifted pajamas either.” While model Krishna Somani says, “I would want my man to give me something sexy and hot and I’d be happy to wear it for him.”  

So girls, is your man naughty enough? 

Fact File:

  • Age group: 25-40.
  • Indian men are very confident and enthusiastic, they are not at all shy.
  • They are fully updated and very informed about the size, the style and fabrics and know their partner’s choice well enough.
  • Most men prefer sexy lingerie in bright, vibrant colours.
  • Many college boys love buying cartoon panties for their girlfriends.

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